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Ricky Becker's Issue Positions (Political Courage Test)


Official Position: Candidate addressed this issue directly by taking the Political Courage Test.

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Ricky Becker has provided voters with clear stances on key issues by responding to the 2024 Political Courage Test.

What is the Political Courage Test?

North Dakota Congressional Election 2024 Political Courage Test

Pro-life Do you generally support pro-choice or pro-life legislation?
Yes Do you support the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade?
I am 100% pro-life and am the only candidate with a voting record that backs it up. I have a 100% rating with North Dakota Right to Life and Students for Life Action PAC has endorsed my campaign. Every life is precious and must be protected.
No Do you support expanding federal funding to support social safety net programs such as Social Security and Medicare?
Yes Do you support a decrease in income taxes in order to balance the budget?
No Do you support a wealth tax in order to pay for public programs?
I support abolishing the income tax and will vote for all tax cuts that come up for a vote. I will not support adding to our debt. Debt spending contributes significantly to inflation, which is a confiscation of wealth.
No Do you support the regulation of indirect campaign contributions from corporations, unions, and individuals?
Yes Do you support protecting government officials, including law enforcement officers, from personal liability in civil lawsuits concerning alleged misconduct?
I oppose defunding the police seek to promote law and order.
No Do you support increasing defense spending?
The United States is a nation in debt. We should not send the earnings of hard-working Americans overseas when our own house is not in order � especially to nations hostile to our own. President Trump had it right. We need to stop letting other countries take advantage of us. We need to stop wasting precious lives and resources on endless wars. Most importantly, the Authorization for Use of Military Force must be dramatically revised. I will not stand for sending our men and women overseas to risk their lives, when those in Congress will not even risk their political career to properly declare a war. If no war is declared, then no boots will be on the ground. The war authority is given to Congress, not the President.
No Do you support federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth (e.g. grants, tax incentives)?
No Do you support the federal government increasing funding for affordable housing programs?
No Do you support the federal government taking action, beyond those of the Federal Reserve, to alleviate inflation?
The United States is a nation in debt. We should not send the earnings of hard-working Americans overseas when our own house is not in order � especially to nations hostile to our own. President Trump had it right. We need to stop letting other countries take advantage of us. We need to stop wasting precious lives and resources on endless wars. Most importantly, the Authorization for Use of Military Force must be dramatically revised. I will not stand for sending our men and women overseas to risk their lives, when those in Congress will not even risk their political career to properly declare a war. If no war is declared, then no boots will be on the ground. The war authority is given to Congress, not the President.
No Do you support the forgiveness of federal student loan debt?
It is not fair that those who opt not to go to college to pay the debt of those who do. It sets a precedent that will lead to incentivizing bad personal financial decisions.
Yes Do you support requiring a government-issued identification in order to vote at the polls?
Requiring photo identification is a fundamental part of protecting the integrity of our elections and must be implemented if we want to ensure secure and transparent elections.
No Do you support government funding for the development of renewable energy (e.g. solar, wind, geo-thermal)?
Yes Do you support the federal government allowing permits for drilling on public lands?
Our own fossil fuels, unhampered by the Federal government, are the most reliable energy source we have. They greatly bolster our national security. Additionally, nuclear energy is inadequately utilized.
No Do you generally support gun-control legislation (e.g. red flag laws, boyfriend loopholes)?
I am 100% pro-gun, no compromise. As the lead sponsor of ND's Constitutional Carry Act and the 2nd Amendment Preservation Act, I always have been and always will be a champion for the 2nd Amendment. Federal gun control must not be accepted. Democrats are looking for every chance to destroy our right to bear arms. I will be a defender of your freedoms every step of the way. I will support national reciprocity, vote to remove all federal laws putting restrictions and limitations on our gun rights.
No Do you support a government-run (e.g. single-payer) healthcare program, such as Medicare-for-All?
No Do you support expanding paid family AND/OR medical leave benefits (e.g. maternity leave)?
No Should the government be able to regulate the cost of prescription drugs?
Medicaid and Medicare should remain available, but no other taxpayer-funded programs are necessary.
Yes Do you support increasing security along the southern US border?
Yes Do you support requiring immigrants to return to their country of origin before they are eligible for citizenship, regardless of their immigration status?
The failure to declare an illegal invasion at the border and take immediate action is grounds for impeachment. Under the Biden administration � dangerous drugs, cartel thugs, and human trafficking have all created a humanitarian crisis along our southern border. We must secure our border immediately, and finish building President Trump�s wall. The liberal agenda of open borders and a socialist utopia will be the demise of our society as we know it. I am in favor of immigration for all persons who desire to come for opportunity, who believe in our system of government, and who want to be Americans. They must be vetted properly for the security of our nation.
No Do you support economic intervention as a means of resolving international conflicts?
No Do you support the US providing increased offensive military aid to Ukraine?
The United States is a nation in debt. We should not send the earnings of hard-working Americans overseas when our own house is not in order � especially to nations hostile to our own. President Trump had it right. We need to stop letting other countries take advantage of us. We need to stop wasting precious lives and resources on endless wars. Most importantly, the Authorization for Use of Military Force must be dramatically revised. I will not stand for sending our men and women overseas to risk their lives, when those in Congress will not even risk their political career to properly declare a war. If no war is declared, then no boots will be on the ground. The war authority is given to Congress, not the President.
No Do you generally support increased regulations on social media companies (e.g. Tik Tok, Facebook, etc.)?
Generally, no. Who exactly will determine what is considered a threat? Currently, I imagine many progressive elected officials regard select conservative-catering social media sites as quite dangerous. It is a very slippery slope, granting the Executive branch far too much power.
I believe in Thomas Jefferson's quote, "The government that governs least, governs best." The Federal government should be constrained to the confines of the U.S. Constitution and all powers not authorized to the Federal government in the U.S. Constitution are best left to the states. The only true, legitimate purpose of government is to protect life, liberty, and property. The top priorities should be stopping the invasion at the Southern Border, slashing government spending to combat the inflation caused by Bidenomics, and putting an end to the two-tiered justice system the DOJ is using to target President Trump.

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